Think, Feel, and Act Better. Wherever.
Will Groenewegen, Registered Psychotherapist
In-person sessions available for those in the Toronto area

Why do Therapy Online?
Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery, whether it be in-person or online. Whether it's cost, convenience, or other circumstances, many of us find ourselves unable to access mental health professionals. Online psychotherapy helps to eliminate those barriers. From the comfort of your home (or any other setting that you might find suitable), I come to you using the free and easily downloadable video software VSEE ( VSEE is like Skype but is more secure.
For many people, finding a psychotherapist that works for them can prove to be extremely difficult. This could be because the therapists in their area are not great matches for their needs or personality. It could be that there aren't any psychotherapists in their area at all. Many therapists work in locations that are inconvenient for the client, adding travel time, daycare and other extra costs and stresses to the psychotherapeutic process. Online psychotherapy solves these problems, making it easier to find a therapist that is a good match for the client, ultimately allowing them to access the benefits of psychotherapy in a much more helpful and convenient fashion.
Some people prefer online psychotherapy to in-person psychotherapy as they feel it is easier to disclose their deepest issues and insecurities faster and with more ease. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the client is usually in a comfortable and safe environment during their online sessions. It could be because any potential embarrassment or shyness is mitigated by the online process.
For expats and people that travel often, it's a way to make sure they don't miss sessions with a therapist they can relate to no matter where they might be.
Or maybe it's simply because online psychotherapy sessions are generally more affordable than in-person sessions. Regardless of the reason, more and more people are choosing to do psychotherapy online.
Whether online or in-person, in my sessions I promote cognitive and behavioural transformation by encouraging a realistic, rational and mindful outlook to life. With the adoption of new attitudes and therefore new reactions to the things we can and can't control, our lives change for the better.
How it Works
1. Email me with any questions you may have and a your availability for a first session
2. Download the free and secure video software at VSEE.COM
3. At the scheduled time we'll contact each other via VSEE for our session
4. Easy payment method via e-transfer
Please do what you can to make sure your internet connection is solid. If there is a weak connection and our online session is affected, we can switch to an audio only/phone conversation.